
May Maptime Meetup!

May 28 @ 12PM

Prototek in Downtown OKC

401 NW 10th St, Oklahoma City, OK

MaptimeOKC has grown so fast it has been amazing! Therefore, we are happy to let you all know that this month’s meeting will be moving to Prototek in Oklahoma City.

This month, Blake Thompson will be giving a presentation titled:


This talk will cover some basic problems problems that people encounter when hosting a GIS application. It aims to provide a deeper understanding of how data in GIS applications are organized and how they affect the resulting applications produced.

The talk is aimed at providing an introduction to GIS data for all skill levels so don’t worry if you have little to no experience.

We also will have some time set aside during the meeting to talk about how we can better support our community through mapping. So bring your ideas about how we can better partner with other organizations in our area for the good of our community!

See you there!

Join us: Thursday, May 14 2015