12 E California Ave #200, Oklahoma City, OK
The first ever Maptime Oklahoma City meetup! During the first meeting we plan on giving an introduction to what Maptime and Open Street Maps! You can learn to contribute to maps around you right away.
The entrance to Oseberg is on the North side of the building directly to the right of the Zios’ main entrance (the blue marker). We will have someone in the lobby to let everyone in from the outside (if not, there is a buzzer on the right side of the door).
Parking is going to be a bit of a challenge (we’re talking about Bricktown, right?). The map below highlights some parking lot suggestions (orange polygons). We will try to do better next meetup on the parking situation.
Update: Additional resources
Here are the Intro to Maptime slides: http://maptimeokc.github.io/maptimeokc-intro
Here are the Intro to OSM slides: http://maptimeokc.github.io/osm-intro